Proxy pac is just a JS file.

It’s quiet tedious to troubleshoot, however. Below is an example with several key features:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {

// If netbois name

if (isPlainHostName(host))
{return 'DIRECT';}

// change to lower case  because javascript is the best
host = host.toLowerCase();

// If regex match
shExpMatch(host, "build.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "stage.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "sts.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "a.evexchange*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "\*evfile\*"))
{return 'DIRECT';}

// If URL is
dnsDomainIs(host, "test") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "Intranet") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "corpapps") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "devtest"))
{return 'DIRECT';}

// Internal addresses
// isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") ||
// isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", ""))
//{return 'DIRECT';}

// If within BC WAN, else home
if (isResolvable(""))
{return "PROXY proxyserver:3128";}

// Else
{return 'DIRECT';}}